Trade Waste - Duty of Care


Start - Step 1 of 6


Waste description - Step 2 of 6


Container details - Step 3 of 6


Business details - Step 4 of 6


Waste carrier - Step 5 of 6


Declarations - Step 6 of 6

Fields marked with an asterisk * are mandatory.

Nature of Business

Description of the waste

Please tick all trade waste types that are to be collected from your premises *


Number and type of containers and collection frequency

Please select the size of the bins or sacks you require collecting, and then complete the number and frequency of collections. *

You may select more than one of the same bin/sack size.

Type of bin * Size of bin or sacks * Number of bins per collection * Frequency * Comments
You have 1000 characters left.

Business details

Waste Producer from which the refuse will be collected :

Address from which the refuse will be collected :

Can't see address?

Waste carrier

Person collecting the waste is the registered waste carrier:

Full name:


Registration number:



The nature of your business is:

The waste types that will be present in your receptacle(s) are:

The container(s) you would like to be collected are as follows:

Type of bin * Size of bin or sacks * Number of bins/sacks per collection * Frequency * Comments

Full name:


Transfer request date: valid for a 12 month period ending .

You will receive confirmation of this agreement.

This is a legal document and must be kept for TWO YEARS.